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Walker Memorial Primary School, Castlecaulfield, Dungannon

News - Miss Freeburn

21st Jun 2024
For Year 3+4 star pupil photo Miss Dallas joined for her final day. All the best...
14th Jun 2024
14th Jun 2024
Well done to all our Prize Winners and thank you to Mrs Beckett coming along as guest...
14th Jun 2024
On Tuesday 4th June, Year 1 and 2 travelled to Belfast Zoo.  We had a busy day!...
14th Jun 2024
This week we have been learning all about African elephants. They are so big and...
13th Jun 2024
What a fun morning we had with all of the new boys and girls who will be coming to...
12th Jun 2024
Well done to everyone for doing so well and well done to our prize winners. A huge...
12th Jun 2024
Well done to everyone who took park in our Sports evening.
31st May 2024
A few weeks ago we planted seeds and now look at how they have grown. We are taking...